卢广仲 2022 励志演说新加坡演唱会
新加坡的小队员们,创作鬼才卢广仲即将在今年 8 月 12 日回返狮城的 The Star Theatre举行个人大型演唱会!续2019 年11周年演唱会,卢广仲把他的全新巡回《励志演说演唱会》带到新加坡。相隔多时即将再度站上新加坡舞台,卢广仲承诺将使出浑身解数展現百分之百热情,将会唱跳秀舞技,帶来因疫情而有感的全新创作专辑「励志论」中的新歌。
出道13年,从《100种生活》到《励志论》,卢广仲也会为新加坡的小队员们带来多首耳熟能详的经典之作,像是让人跌入花甲男 孩转大人剧情的《明仔载》,或是肯让全场大合唱的金曲之作《刻在你心底的名字》。卢广仲将用一首一首歌曲,为自己细数 13 年来的各种成长点滴,也把观众朋友们带入他内心的世界,把最真实的自己呈现给大家。
Crowd Lu 2022 C’MON Live Singapore Concert
Fans of Crowd Lu in Singapore, rejoice, the multi-talented singer, composer and actor Crowd Lu is set to return to our sunny island on 12th August 2022, and will be performing at The Star Theatre for his 2022 C’MON Live Singapore concert! Fresh from recent successful concerts in Kaohsiung and his spring tour in Taiwan, Lu is ready to dazzle and perform for his Singapore fans for the third time!
For the concert, fans can be prepared to hear many classic hits that they are familiar with such as crowd favourite 《鱼仔》, the theme song of the film “Your Name Engraved Herein” 《刻在你心底的名字》that tugged our heartstrings and more. Not forgetting, songs from the new album 《励志论》. Lu stepped out of his comfort zone and boldly challenged genres such as dance music, rock, bossa nova, and even disco RnB that he had never experimented before in the new record. C’MON and get ready for a memorable night to remember!