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‘An Accident Of Love’ Musical

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kkA2_poster_8华人经典电影改编 催泪感人殿堂级音乐剧
180分钟亲情大戏 30首挚爱经典

王柏森 丁当 陈乃荣 叶文豪 颠峰演技
华语音乐大师、知名编剧、舞台剧艺术总监陈乐融/音乐总监朱敬然/导演曾慧诚 真情巨献

收获票房与口碑双丰收好成绩的《搭错车》去年夏天从台中出发, 登上台中、台北、高雄、厦门、多伦多、温哥华、上海、南京、武汉、北京等城市的表演最高殿堂, 一年全球10城24场上万人含泪推荐、场场爆满!在华人世界已掀起全民音乐热潮!感受史诗级热泪音乐剧巨作的魅力,每一站口碑如潮一票难求,坚强的演员与黄金团队, 壮阔歌舞场面视觉震撼, 将经典好歌与催情新曲感动呈现。

改编1983 年华人经典电影[搭错车] , 由「主题曲」天后之称的丁当独挑大梁担纲音乐剧女主角,「华人音乐剧天王」王柏森,「偶像剧创作才子」陈乃荣共同演出, 「百老汇出身音乐剧王牌」曾慧诚担任导演, 华语乐坛创作大师陈乐融担任艺术总监, 编剧, 作词, 他用音乐剧的形式把这个经典故事本体说的丰富饱满, 经由改编带出更具现代感的逼真感受。音乐剧也加入流行音乐金字招牌朱敬然担任音乐总监,重新演绎当年电影经典歌曲《一样的月光》,《酒矸倘卖无》, 《请跟我来》,《是否》, 《变》等脍炙人口歌曲, 并加上改变丁当《我爱她》, 《离家出走》, 《亲人》等个人经典歌曲,也因应改编剧情创作多首全新歌曲, 让人感受到更催泪, 全新音乐风格的[搭错车] 音乐剧。

11月16日,星宇表演艺术中心,我们一起相约搭上这一班充满爱情, 亲情和友情的[搭错车]!


The acclaimed ‘An Accident of Love’ musical is confirmed to play in Singapore this November!

Adapted from the award-winning 1983 classic film ‘Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing?’, ‘An Accident of Love’ musical is a moving tale of kinship, love and chasing dreams. Featuring a strong cast of talents including Queen of Love Ballad, Della Ding Dang, veteran musical actor, Wang Bo-Sen, and singer-songwriter, Nylon Chen!

The 180-minute long theatrical adaptation has travelled to various cities around the world including Taipei, Kaohsiung, Taizhong, Xiamen, Toronto, Vancouver, Shanghai and Beijing to name a few. Besides rendition of the popular classic songs like “一样的月光”, “酒矸倘卖无”, “请跟我来”, “是否” from the original film, one can also expect well-known titles from Della’s albums like “我爱她”, “离家出走” as well as all-new track “搭错车”, giving the musical a delicate touch of novelty.

This heartwarming musical is one masterpiece that is sure to tug at the heartstrings. Come 16th November, step into the world of the protagonist as she explores and finds herself lost in the alluring world while chasing her dreams, only to discover later what is truly important and dear to her heart. Be sure to catch it live at The Star Theatre!

Promoter Name:

Live Nation

Admission Information:

1. Please be advised there are steps leading to most seats in the auditorium.

2. Due to restricted lift access to The Star Theatre, kindly approach any of the ushers on Event Day for lift assistance. For more information, please email The Star PAC Front-of-House at info@thestar.sg.

3. Designated wheelchair accessible seating is available at all levels.

4. Wheelchair Users: Please contact APACTix Hotline at +65 3158 8588 prior to making a booking.

Admission Rules:

1. Admission to show/venue by full ticket only. Printed tickets must be produced for admission.

2. Infants in arms and children under 3 years old will not be admitted into the performance venue.

3. Adults and children 3 years old and above will each require a ticket for admission.

4. No photography and videography allowed.

5. STRICTLY no social media streaming is allowed.

6. No outside food and beverage is allowed into the venue.

Exchange and Refund Policy:

1. The Organiser/Venue Owner reserves the right without refund or compensation to refuse admission/evict any person(s) whose conduct is disorderly or inappropriate or who poses a threat to security, or to the enjoyment of the Event by others.

2. Ticket holders assume all risk of injury and all responsibility for property loss, destruction or theft and release the promoters, performers, sponsors, ticket outlets, venues and their employees from any liability thereafter.

3. The resale of ticket(s) at the same or any price in excess of the initial purchase price is prohibited.

4. There is no refund, exchange, upgrade or cancellation once ticket(s) are sold.

Other Ways to Purchase Tickets:

+65 3158 8588

Operation Hours:
Monday to Saturday (10am – 8pm)
Sunday and Public Holiday (12pm – 8pm)

Singapore Indoor Stadium
2 Stadium Walk
Singapore 397691

Operation Hours:
Monday to Saturday (10am – 8pm)
Sunday and Public Holiday (12pm – 8pm)


The sale of tickets will be available at All SingPost outlets.
Click here to check on available branches and operating hours.

1 Vista Exchange Green
Singapore 138617
Level 3

Operation Hours:
Monday to Sunday (12pm – 8pm)

6 Scotts Road
Singapore 228209
Level 1 Atrium, Concierge Desk

Operation Hours:
Monday to Saturday (10am – 8pm)
Sunday and Public Holiday (12pm – 8pm)






Saturday, 16 November 2019
7:00 pm
Foyer Open Time:
Event Categories:


The Star Theatre

CAT 1$178
CAT 2: $158
CAT 3: $138
CAT 4: $118
CAT 5: $98
CAT 6 (Side View): $138
CAT 7 (Restricted View): $138
CAT 8 (Restricted View): $98

VIP Ticket Entitlements:
♦ All VIP ticket holders will be entitled to a meet & greet session with the cast from An Accident of Love musical.
♦ More information will be released prior the show. In the event of any dispute, the organizer’s decision is final.

► Limited to only 8 tickets per transaction.
► Ticket Pricing excludes Booking Fee.