The Annual Asian Parenting Summit is the largest parenting summit in Asia. Brought to you by Mummys Market, global parenting experts will speak at the summit for the first time in Singapore.
If you are expecting, you would want to know:-
- The behaviors of your baby in the first 20 weeks
- How to turn your baby’s 8 great fussy phases into magical leaps forward
- See how your baby’s mind is developing and know which games and toys are best for your baby during each key week and how to encourage each leap forward.
What about natural birth? Do you know:-
- What really happens during labour
- Orgasmic birth – making birth pleasurable
- Episiotomy – is it really necessary?
- Common methods of inducing labour, and which to avoid at all costs
- Tips for maximizing your chances of an unmedicated labour and birth
- How to avoid postpartum bleeding and depression
- The risks of anesthesia and caesarean sections – what your doctor doesn’t necessarily tell you
- The best ways to work with doctors and/or birth care providers
- How to create a safe, comfortable environment for birth in any setting, including a hospital
And complete your knowledge in all things breastfeeding:-
- The benefits of breastfeeding
- Nursing challenges
- Pumps and other nursing products
- Sleeping arrangements
- Nursing and work
- Medications
- Nursing multiples
- Weaning
- Sick babies
- Nipplephobia, and much more
Lastly, not forgetting moms with toddlers or pre-primary kids:-
- Understand the “terrible twos”
- Ways to prevent disruptive behaviour during the “terrible twos”
- How to optimise toddler brain development and raise a “gifted child”
- Which pedagogy really suits your toddler?
- How to prepare for primary school education?
- How to be a master of two languages at a young age?
- How to be a process driven and factual math genius?
All these and more will take place at the Asian Parenting Summit, happening on Saturday, 11 June 2016 at The Star Theatre.