Korean-Taiwanese heart-throb Bii (毕书尽 ) returns to Singapore with “毕书尽 Bii With You LIVE in Singapore 2017” at The Star Theatre, The Star Performing Arts Centre on 17 Jun (Sat), 8pm.
Bii has customized a two-hour show consisting of live band performances and games for his Singapore BF despite his tight schedule preparing for his new album and upcoming concert at Taipei Arena.
This two-hour concert is not only the prelude to Bii’s first ever large-scale concert at Taipei Arena this December, but is also his first and only music showcase this year.
Fans can expect a night of good music as well as up-close-and-personal interaction with Bii this coming June.
For more information and updates, please visit KKBOX’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/KKBOXSG
KKBOX 及Singtel 联合呈献,2017 Bii 毕书尽年底站上台北小巨蛋前唯一一场音乐会 ——【毕书尽Bii With You LIVE in Singapore 2017】将在6 月17 日,晚上8 点,于新加坡The Star Theatre, The Star Performing Arts Centre 隆重登场!
这场新加坡独家专场音乐会将以两个小时的 LIVE Band 高规格形式呈现,Bii在准备歌单上也十分用心,不管摇滚或抒情都希望在歌迷面前呈现最完整的自己。此外, Bii还准备与粉丝们展开最零距离的互动,给现场粉丝带来最棒的粉丝福利!