Philippe Pages well known as Richard Clayderman, “ The Prince of Romance” The best selling french Pianist, recording Artiste and Concert performer. With its distinctive piano style has earned him superstar status all over the world. Recorded over 1,300 melodies and the in the words of a German journalist he has arguable done more to popularise the piano around the world than anyone since Beethoven. Richard Clayderman has created a “New Romantic” style thru a repertoire which combines his trade mark originals with classic and pop standard. He has clocked up massive world wide record sales in excess of 90 Million, at the last count, and an incredible 267 gold and 70 platinum disc to his credit.
Start Sales Date
Internet, Mobile & Other Channels:
17 Jul 2023, 10am
Approximately 2 hour 30 minutes, with 10 minutes interval